Monday, March 2, 2009

Alien Planet Progress Report March 2, March 4, March 11

Following each day working on the Alien Planet project, post here what ideas or work you individually contributed to your group's effort.


  1. Christina and I worked on our planet's physical features and decided to each work on the required elements and bring ideas to compare with and choose what we like best on wednesday.

  2. Today we came up with the geography of the planet, as well as some of the races. We started to get a plot line going also.

  3. Today we all brainstormed together and decided which parts of the project each of us would cover. I am covering the geography. We all talked about our ideas and made sure everything was cohesive. We took notes so we will be ready to go to start our power point on Wednesday.

  4. My group and I worked on the what the planet is going to look like. We also worked on the climate and the different regions on the planet. A final feature we worked on was the creatures and how they will all interact with each other.

  5. Today we decided what each of us will do to create our planet. We split up each category so that everyone has an even amount of work.

  6. I came up with the name of the planet and some of the weather paterns of the planet. And also how the snow tastes like green apple candy and the ice tastes like strawberry. I also helped out a bit with the names and a few ideas of civilization and location of which the main species lived.

  7. i found out what type of creatures i will be creating and helped come up with ideas for our planet.

  8. to day we came up with the geography of the planet as well as started to think about what the living things that would be on the planet

  9. Today we decided the specifics of our planet's geography, orbit, size and shape, and climate. also, i started some sketches of the different alien lifeforms on our planet.

  10. Today we made a lot of headway on coming up with the specifics of our alien planet. we came up with all of the spicific details like its design, geography, scientific theories for why things would happen as they are going to on our planet, climate, etc. we also started brainstorming on how we will present our alien planet and we are thinking we might make a 3D model of the planet.

  11. Today, my group made the basic layout of our planet and the creatures that lived there. I thought up how the planet would look, and how its landscape would differ. Brandon and I also created some of the creatures, in rough sketches.

  12. Today my group decided alot about our planet. We decided the shape, the size, the orbit, and many more important features. We also created some rough sketches of the planet, and how it would function. We decided to make our planet similar to earth's in some ways such as gravity, and atmosphere.

  13. Today we finished up our final brainstorming ideas and begin to delegate tasks. Ashley and I will be working on the map and will bring the map to class on wednesday so that we can begin to form our presentation.

  14. Today (Wednesday) My group started to put together all the idea we had previously brainstormed about our planet. I started to draw the landscape and helped finalize the creature ideas. We also planned for what we we're going to do next week

  15. On Monday, I brainstormed ideas about the planet we are creating. We took some ideas away because they didn't really make sense. I wrote up all of our facts. Gravity, Revolution, Humidity, Axis...ect. On Wednesday, i brainstormed a little more and threw in and took out some more ideas. Started drawing up pictures of the creatures that live on our planet and the planet itself.

  16. on monday my group discussed the basics of our planet and how the particular orbit and climate of the planet would affect the geography and inhabitants. Ryan Ferguson and I drew out the planet and what it would look like, including the specific climates for each land mass as well as discuss the physical features on each part such as where the mountains and rivers would go.

  17. we decided more details on our planet, like energy sources, and where agriculture would take place. Then we broke into two groups, one working on the planet, and the other working on the life there. Im in the planet group, and we decided how were going to present our project.

  18. My part in this project was talking about the culture of the two main races on our planet. I made a slide for each race and talked about their way of life, and made it seem like a travel brochure to our planet.

  19. i made five powerpoint slides on our five creatures the icks, geets, mini pig, nessys and arctic butterfly from our world, eggtopia.

  20. Today I finished my part on the geographical features of our planet. I then compiled all of our slides together onto one show and made sure everything fit nicely.

  21. Today I wrote down all the specifics to the aliens that Matt and I drew for homework. I started brainstorming about how I am going to present thoses details to the class and how that will configure with the rest of my group's information.

  22. Last friday, I began drawing animals that would fit our planets climate and such.on wednesday, i made the detailed drawing of our master race

  23. I helped with the project by writting the paper and bringing ideas to how our planet is going to look like, the characteristics, and the crazy creatures.

  24. I wrote the back story to the planet, came up with the intelligent alien, with help, helped with the brainstorming of the planet, I came up with the ocean in the middle, the city in the dark, and the solar panel, I drew and photoshopped all of the aliens.

    Matt Arnold

  25. For the project we spread out the work equally. I drew the 5 life forms and helped with the map. I also helped with finding information to make our planet seem real.

  26. Me and mary both worked pretty equally on the project. I made the map, and colored it and we both drew the pictured, named the life forms and decided what each life form was and what it did. We worked on the whole entire thing together!

  27. I helped wright the presentation for the class and helped come up with the ideas for the animals on our planet

  28. I Helped create the information on the planet. I mostly created the alien animals and plants, drew them and made up the descriptions for them.

  29. For our project I came up with the overall movie of our planet. Bree and Dani worked on our paper. We all contributed to which creatures we wanted to create for our planet Talia.
